Mittelalterliches Bild eines Mannes

The reputation of the bath was so great that even the famous physician and naturalist Paracelsus stayed here in 1526 and dealt with his sources. He stated the connection of the three Black Forest baths Baden-Baden, Wildbad and Liebenzell and said of the Zeller sources “… they are finished well people”.

1968 Partial completion Paracelsusbad – commissioning of the swimming pool
1968 Completion Paracelsusbad with commissioning Kurmittelabteilung
1969 demolition “lower bath”
1969 Official inauguration Paracelsusbad
1975 Purchase of the Paracelsus bath from the country
1976 Commissioning outdoor pool Paracelsusbad
1985 Inauguration of the sauna Pinea in the Paracelsusbad
1986 Commissioning Café Pinea
1987 Commissioning 2nd log cabin sauna
1991 Inauguration of the Bio-Sanarium in the Paracelsusbad
1994 Inauguration rock steam grotto in the Paracelsusbad
1994 Inauguration of a new heating center in the Paracelsusbad
1995 Renovation of gymnastics room and renovation of spa department
1995 Renovation of pelvic heads, interior with walkway areas PB
1996 Commissioning of combined heat and power plant
1997 Extension outdoor sauna
1998 Inauguration of new relaxation room “Silencio” in the sauna
1998 Re-commissioning of the renovated rock steam grotto
1999 Inauguration of the fountain in front of the Paracelsus thermal bath
1999 Commissioning new outdoor pool Paracelsusbad
2000 “Official inauguration of the outdoor pool with new outdoor area
and renamed Paracelsus-Therme ”
2001 “renewal carpets 2nd floor and wooden ceiling 1st floor in the sauna,
2001 Commissioning of the turnstile EWV
2002 fire protection measures
2004 Park Place extension
2004 Tile renovation of the showers in the sauna area
2005 Renovation of the privacy of the sauna
2005 General overhaul of the CHP module
2006 Renovation interior 90 ° sauna
2009 Renovation of recliner 100 ° sauna
2011 Closure of Paracelsus Therme wg. renovation
2013 Reopening of the Paracelsus Spa
2016 defect removal sauna and spa
2019 Renewal of Vital-Bistro Pinea
2021 renewal Pinea Pastaria
2021 Opening of the Paracelsus Spa
2021 Opening of the 3rd floor of the new sauna area